Dr. Kyra Marsigliano, known as Dr. M or Dr. “Mars” to her patients and their owners, is a practicing veterinarian in Jacksonville, FL. She is a graduate of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. Her clinical interests include preventive medicine, animal behavior, pain management, and geriatric medicine.
Kyra initially approached CBD with a skeptical mindset, wondering if its emergence as an apparent panacea was all due to the placebo effect. After reading some of the abundant literature and attending professional conferences, she learned there was an entire receptor system in the animal body, the endocannabinoid system, which was not covered in school, and yet had connections to nearly every other body system that was. Learning about CBD and its ability to interact with so many body systems in various ways was eye-opening, and the role the endocannabinoid system plays in regulating so many components of health only underscored for Kyra the importance of providing a consistent, beneficial, and trusted product for pets.
Vet school imparts graduates with the understanding that their learning is never complete. Kyra is currently completing a Master’s degree in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics through the University of Maryland Baltimore School of Pharmacy. When she completes this program next year, she expects to be the first veterinarian to also hold a graduate degree in cannabis science. She brings this technical knowledge to CBD Vet Products and looks forward to the innovations we will be developing in the near future.
She is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Florida Veterinary Medical Association, and the Society of Cannabis Clinicians, and is the current President of the Jacksonville Veterinary Medical Society.
VETERINARian | Co-Founder and CEO
DR. katherine GREEN
Dr. Katie Green is a practicing veterinarian in Jacksonville, FL. She is a graduate of Ross University, School of Veterinary Medicine. Her special interests include hospice and end-of-life care, as well as soft tissue surgery and dentistry.
Katie was first exposed to CBD while working with hospice patients. She found that there were many products available but that it was very difficult to distinguish high-quality products from junk. After meeting Kenny by chance at a hospice appointment for his mom’s dog Chalupa, they got to talking about how veterinarians should be more involved in CBD products for pets. Not long after that CBD Vet Products was born.
Dr. Green is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Associate, Florida Veterinary Medical Association, American Laser Study Club, and is Chairman of the Board of the Jacksonville Veterinary Medical Society